When In Doubt Take The Chicken Out...

...of the freezer.
Somedays it is really hard to decide on what to prepare for dinner and I have found on those days that taking chicken out of the freezer to thaw is the best answer for the unanswered, "What's for dinner?" question.

If your pantry has pasta or rice you're covered.

If you have an oil and/or butter it's fixable.

If you have any vegetable at all, even just onion, you can use it to make a nice meal.

Stay stocked on these staples to help make making dinner a pleasure:
Frozen broccoli, corn, etc.,
Canned tomatoes, corn, beans, etc.,
Seasonings including, salt, pepper, cumin, chili powder, onion powder, garlic powder etc.,
Try to keep a jar of Parmesan in the fridge to sprinkle over almost any chicken dish.
Olive Oil
Vegetable Oil