Gourmet Pasta

I found this near the deli section at Kroger. It's a 20 oz. package of chicken, bacon and cheese wrapped in pasta. It looks like little balloons and tastes really good. My husband said it was delicious.

I used a prepared basil pesto sauce made by the same company for the pasta dish.

This is very simple to put together.
The pasta boils for only 3-4 minutes then just drain and add the sauce. Stir to mix and heat through.


5 one cup servings.



Marinara sauce would work well with this.
Additional Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top.


Anonymous said...

That looks very good. I made fresh pesto with basil that I grew in a pot this summer. I made it a few times, then the pot kept falling off the fence and spilling the soil out. Then I forgot to water it, now it's in the compost pile. We'll start again next year :)

elle said...

I saw potted herbs on sale at Kroger for $1 but I didn't buy any of them.
Which recipe did you use?